Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Newbie help: Is this file in use?

You can use "fuser" to check whether any processes have a file open.

$ fuser somefile 
somefile:        20719
$ fuser anotherfile

Pid 20719 is using somefile, but nothing is using anotherfile.

Pipe queen bonus:  I want to compress some old stuff in a directory.  Here are some big files:
$du -sk ./* | sort -n | tail -5
71796 ./applog.20120418.gz
349252 ./applog
422952 ./applog.20120613
598672 ./applog.20120627
2816980 ./applog.20130204

Which of the largest five files are in use, if any?
$du -sk ./* | sort -n | tail -5 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs fuser
./applog:      44827

Pid 44827 is using the current applog.  The last three are safe to compress.

(Tangent:  Compression generally writes to the current filesystem.  Therefore, you can't compress in a filesystem that's 100% full.)

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