I just had a rather infuriating half-hour. Here's how to enable network scanning from MacOS 10.14 to a Canon MF4770n printer.
First, disregard the official Canon documentation. Disregard it as hard as you can.
- Go to the device's download page.
- The download page may autodetect "Mac OS X" and say no files are available. Select MacOS 10.14 instead. There are two; pick the one with more files under it.
- Download and install the scan utility, currently mac-scan-2158.dmg . It includes the driver and some utilities.
- Take a moment to visit the printer and make sure the benighted thing has a valid IP.
- Open System Preferences -> Printers. Add the printer, hopefully via Bonjour. This isn't Windows, so Autodetect will find the driver.
- In System Preferences -> Printers, the MF4770n has Print and Scan tabs above its picture. Select Scan.
- On the printer, lay out your document and click the Scan button. Then choose "Remote Scanner". The Send-To option is tempting, but doesn't work for me.
- Back in System Preferences, click "Open Scanner". The scanner will automatically do an overview. By default, it'll attempt to identify separate items.
- Once the overview is complete, press Scan. If you disabled Auto Selection, you'll be required to select an area. By default, images go to the Pictures folder.
If you receive error code 2100010, it probably means the scanner isn't listening in Remote Scanner mode.
If the scanner doesn't show up after adding the printer in SysPref, MF Toolbox may help.
- Open MF Toolbox, which was installed by the driver dmg. Ignore any warnings about not finding a scanner.
- Under MF Toolbox -> Network Scanner settings, add the printer. Hopefully it shows up over Bonjour; I haven't tried IP.
- Close MF Toolbox; you're done with it.
- Scan using SysPref as described above.
H/T to Darius in the Canon forum for showing that the official docs are wrong, and Nidhish on FixYa for demystifying the printer menu.